My visit to grey glacier

 In my 21 years of age, I have been fortunate to visit many beautiful places in our country, some of them are Malalcahuello, Pucón, Valdivia, Puerto Natales, Atacama Desert, and many more!. Today i´m going to talk about my trip to Grey glacier, located in Puerto Natales.

In my first post I talked a little bit about my visit to Puerto Natales, specifically to "Las Torres del Paine", but now i´ll talk about the time I went to the Grey Glacier, located in the Torres del Paine national park, this was my first time going to this place, at the beginning of the year 2016, I went with my two grandparents and my aunt (she is like a sister because she´s younger than me). The city was beautiful, simple and quiet, there are a lot of good restaurants there, I´ll never forget the salmon, It was so good. The second day of our trip we went to the park, you could enter by car to a certain point, but then you had to walk, after some time we arrived to the entrance of the glacier and to get to the boats that would take us there we had to walk through a stone path in the middle of the lake, the route wasn´t that long but there was A LOT of wind, it was so strong that many people fell, it was very difficult to walk there but at the end we arrived safe and sound. When we got on the boats we noticed that they were very spacious and quite cozy, on the way tere they served us whiskey with glacier ice, but since I was underage, they gave me coca cola, it was very good because it was very cold, finally we arived near the glacier and we all went out to see it, it was huge and had a beautiful bluish color that stood out in the landscape, it´s very sad to think that they are disappearing quickly due to climate change. When we came back we had to walk through that path again and then we walk to the car and went back to the city, I had a grat trip with one of the people I love the most and we created a lot of good memories.

thanks for reading! :)


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