My mom

The person I will talk about in this post is my mom, one of my favorite person in this world. I´ve always had a good relationship with her, she had me when she was still a teenager, so it was difficult for her to raise me at such a young age, but that didn´t stop her from following her dreams and she managed to get her career and is currently an excellent nurse and parent, despite everything she was always there when I needed her and now I will be there for her as long as we continue living, she is the strongest, bravest and kindest woman I know and she will always be my role model, in addition to all this, my mom is a very good cook and sings very beautifully, when I was little I remember that she sang me several song to put me to sleep, the one I remember the most is "Hijo de la Luna" by Mecano, I love that song and I still listen to it when I´m sad. My mom is also very charismatic, very funny and lovable, she´s always the soul of the party and we laugh a lot when we ar together, people say that we are very similar and that we laugh the same. When my brother and my dad aren´t home we always go out to eat and visit different places, we always have a good time, and I miss her very much when I´m in santiago :(

Thanks for reading :)


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